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Finally, go back to those questions you skipped and answer them and any other questions at the end of the set that refer to both passages. Lady Bertram had no worries to take away from her pleasure at Sir Thomass return. Just take a quick peek and skip to the instructions that follow. (E)The passage mentions the matron twice: once, in the opening line, where she gives Maria permission to leave work early; once, in lines 1718, where she pays Maria a compliment. Choice B is incorrect for much the same reason. 7. Lizzie Fleming said Maria wassure to get the ring and, though Fleming had saidthat for so many Hallow Eves, Maria had to laughand say she didnt want any ring or man either; and, (40)when she laughed her grey-green eyes sparkled withdisappointed shyness and the tip of her nose nearlymet the tip of her chin. The modeling of thelandscape by weather, running water, and otheragents is apparent to the keenly observant eye andcauses thinking people to speculate on what must, (65)be the final result of the ceaseless wearing downof the lands. The following passage is taken from Edith Whartons novelThe Age of Innocence. Although Charlotte may well be selfish or egotistical, she does do some good for others. When DiMaggios legs are failing him late in his career, he still pushes himself to perform well for the fan in the stands who hasnt seen him play before. 4. (C)Performers are free when all they have learned becomes so natural, so internalized, that it seems instinctive. It is by taking these skills andapplying them purposefullyand with concentration to the task at hand that the performer achieves his or her goal. (A)While a spectator may feel powerfully involved with a filmed or televised image of a performer, the filmed image is unaffected by the spectators feelings. (C) The content of a work of art is insignificant. There is no comparison made between the two elder Stanhopes. 5. Thus, McCarthy would most likely point out thather grandmothers actual conduct is not in keeping with this characterization. Mrs. Norris wishes to give news of the traveler, not to be the traveler. Choice C is incorrect. 13. In the passage, Joe is portrayed most specifically as, 4. To have shaken whatremained of his Church of England faith would havegratified her much; but the idea of his abandoninghis preferment in the church had never once presenteditself to her mind. Option A: present a claim that is supported and developed over the course of the passage. A surprise to seeyou,Major Dawson.. 10. The author specifically states that Maria has cut the loaves. Remember, you dont have to answer every question to score high on the SAT. (25)Combativeness was, I suppose, the dominanttrait in my grandmothers nature. What does this mean? Or are they words likefetid, ruffled, stingywords with negative connotations? She had money, manygrandchildren, and religion to sustain her. (D) He has little left of his initial religious beliefs. Theindividuals power to dominate, on stage or field invests the whole arena aroundthe locus of performance with his or her power. In the very bestof Eskimo art we see vibrant animal and human, (35)forms that stand quietly or tensely, strongly radiatinga sense of life. (E)In lines 1315 (If there ishigh artistic quality?), the author poses or asks a question. Thus, the statement that there are no Black or female American artists to include in art history texts or classes is anallegation(unproven accusation) that our Black and female artists are not good enough to be included in the texts. Morriss example has been followed, thoughwith less imitation of medieval style, by manyweavers of the present century, whose coarsely. Choice E is incorrect. TACTICS 17 tell you how to deal with SAT reading questions in general. How does this affect the sort of tone and attitude questions the SAT-makers ask? Stengel, his new manager, was equally impressed,and when DiMaggio was on base he would point to him as an example of, Line (5)the perfect base runner. In acknowledging this, she ismaking a concession, conceding that the teachers had some slight evidence supporting their claim. Allow about 30 minutes for each group. (A) Both excerpts focus on the development of a specific professional athlete. Authors rarely make points that are totally unqualified or all-encompassing. 14. In what way did her meeting with Alain Locke affect Joness work as an artist? Given Marias relatively menial position, it is unlikely she and the matron would be close or intimate friends. (20)had heard the compliment. (C)The descriptions of the bright and shiny kitchen where you could see yourself in the big copper boilers and of tiny, witch-like Maria with her long nose and long chin belong to the realm offairy tales. After teaching for a while, she went to Paris to study, onthe advice of the sculptor Meta Warrick Fuller. Thus, she has a materialistic nature. You can eliminate Choice B. Gliding rather than running, always smooth, never wasting a glance on inessentials, DiMaggio clearly exhibitsfluidityand economyin his movements. The narrator condemns rather than defends the longings that brought him discontentment. What should I care for their beauty?Its a bore, and, worse still, its a reproach. However, she is unusual in this. A depict these characters as less than heroic in their public actions. Later, woven silks,ornamental wood carving, stucco decoration, andpainted leather gradually replaced tapestry asexpensive wall coverings, until at last wallpaper was. Her enjoyment was complete and unmixed with other emotions. There was a great deal of laughing and jokingduring the meal. (40)brief glimpses of a people who have long possesseda very different approach to the whole question oflife and death. Hearty admirationis the only possible choice. McCarthy, his longtime manager,liked to say that DiMaggio might have stolen 60 bases a season if he hadgiven him the green light. (A)Terms such as unendingly, ultimately, and ceaseless indicate that the mountains are made level over an enormouspassage of years. (B)Note the context of the reference to Woodling. Statements I and II are incorrect. Go back to both passages as needed. Choice C is incorrect. There is no evidence in the passage that Dr. Stanhope feels regret or remorse. This, of course, meansthat the shapes and volumes within the sculpture. Maria had cut them herself. Do not be misled into choosing an answer (even one that makes good sense) if you cannot find it supported in the text. Yet, although the African, with amazinginsight into art, used these rules, I am certain that he. Bad weather often imposes a special kind ofleisure, giving them time in which to perfect theircarvings. Choice E is incorrect. Charlotte manages everything and everybody. 3. Your reading score will improve. Therefore, he had not timed his arrival to coincide with a reunion. (E) He has disinherited his son without a shilling. Then read Passage 2. 4. The passage suggests that the narrator's increasing discontent with his home during his apprenticeship was caused by (A) a new awareness on his part of how his home would appear to others . Line (5)rather than fine arts. We may infer from the care with which Maria has cut the barmbracks (lines 710) that, (C) she expects the Board members for tea, 10. When Asked to Make Inferences, Base Your Answers on What the Passage Implies, Not What It States Directly. Why, in lines 57 and 58, does the author of Passage 2 assume a live performance? I feel as if I were at somebig, dull party, in a room full of people I shouldntwish to speak to. Lady Bertrams fluttered or discomposed state on his arrival indicates her surprise. Remember, when asked to make inferences, base your answers on what the passage implies, not what it states directly. Those lines are repeated here so that you can easily refer to them. We bush-folk live quietly., A Huguenot, as used in the passage, is most likely, (B) a doctor angered by needless suffering, (D) a city-dweller scornful of country ways, (E) a puritan who suspects others of immorality. (35)words as:juzgado, hoosegow;ranchero, rancher;estampida, stampede;calabozo, calaboose; andpintofor a painted horse. But it remains to be said, that theinfluence which she had in her family, though it hadbeen used to a certain extent for their worldly well-being, (25)had not been used to their real benefit, as itmight have been. Familiarize Yourself with the Technical Terms Used to Describe a Passages Organization. 18. Both areindolent(lazy). (D)In comparison to the tightly-woven tapestries of the nineteenth century, present day wall-hangings are described as coarsely woven cloths. Thus, theyhave a less fine weavethan their predecessors. This pugnacity of my grandmothers did notconfine itself to sectarian enthusiasm. Choice E is incorrect. Both athleteand actor, out of that abundance of emotion, choice, strategy, knowledge ofthe terrain, mood of spectators, condition of others in the ensemble, secret. As you read the italicized introductory material and tackle the passages opening sentences, try to anticipate what the passage will be about. It is a most miserable thing to feel ashamed ofhome. (B)The opening lines indicate that the narrator isreflecting on his feelings. Perhaps no one can accurately define the rightway or wrong way to create a carving. When you have a choice, tackle passages with familiar subjects before passages with unfamiliar ones. She gave the orders, paid the bills, hired anddismissed the domestics, made the tea, carved themeat, and managed everything in the Stanhopehousehold. A) the harsh reality of her situation. Theyve only brought in the dying, the doctor retorted. Sir Thomass delight at finding his family together exactly as he could have wished indicates he does not lack family feeling. One spiraling game is Wind upthis borrin. Some teachers claim borrin is a corruption of borrowing,. Know more Show Answers See Preview 1. Their works are characterized byanatomical accuracy. cheerful but obsessive. Remember that the questions following each reading passage arenotarranged in order of difficulty. (B)We are told that 71 percent of the earth is covered by water and that the Pacific Ocean covers half the earth. (15)changed her imagery. Underline key words and phrasessparingly! These arctic carvings are notthe cold sculptures of a frozen world. TIP//=c.offsetWidth&&0>=c.offsetHeight)a=!1;else{d=c.getBoundingClientRect();var f=document.body;a=d.top+("pageYOffset"in window?window.pageYOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollTop);d=d.left+("pageXOffset"in window?window.pageXOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollLeft);f=a.toString()+","+d;b.b.hasOwnProperty(f)?a=!1:(b.b[f]=!0,a=a<=b.g.height&&d<=b.g.width)}a&&(b.a.push(e),b.c[e]=!0)}y.prototype.checkImageForCriticality=function(b){b.getBoundingClientRect&&z(this,b)};u("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality",function(b){x.checkImageForCriticality(b)});u("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkCriticalImages",function(){A(x)});function A(b){b.b={};for(var c=["IMG","INPUT"],a=[],d=0;d Trompe L'oeil Techniques, Why Does Smokey The Bear Have A Shovel, What Is A Four Plank House, Did Whistlindiesel Move To Tennessee, Articles T