Let me guess: because white people ruined Africa also? Bro wtf like literally u are just nitpicking things now and that grocery girl was just saying u sis cause she would have probably said that to a white women too. We must learn to understand how our words and actions affect each other. People can also take part in whatever religion they choose. Continue with Recommended Cookies. What is AAVE? a. To a majority of the social media community, we dont even notice how immersed into AAVE we are. [14], Paralleling the use of the minced oath heck, some people use hecka in place of hella. She believes that learning how to order a beer in a new language reveals a lot about local culture. AAVE forged unity and communication among African slaves without interference from white individuals. Above all, I love knowing that when my ancestors were confronted by the arrival of ships from foreign lands showing up expecting free labor, they fought back with brutal violence and unrelenting refusal to be dominated. Tip Harris, aka dirty south rapper T.I., explains as such in this clip from his movie ATL, where he briefly demonstrates the difference between city and country language. [deleted] 1 yr. ago [removed] Much of that growth is coming from beauty tech companies, affirms Cohen. "Hella", a portmanteau of the old comparison "hell of a", came into fashion apparently when I was stationed in South Korea in the 1980s as before I went, I'd never heard anyone say it. But period? Be sure to subscribe on iTunes, Google Play or NPR One. It always disappoints me to see how this country neglects the accomplishments of Black people by taking the communitys work and making it their own. Linguists draw grammatic parallels between West African languages and AAVE to support the creole theory. The American slave trade was a tragedy. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Get notified of the latest articles as soon as they're up! It really comes down to how you use these words, and why. If you believe we have made an error, please contact Gabriela de Camargo Gonalves. [Alteration of hell of a .] Also hella originated in Oakland haha, the Bay Area appropriated it before it reached any other part of the country, so technically yes it is AAVE that originated in the black community of Oakland and should not be appropriated. But not everyone even knows the difference between African American and black. But aren't these two really really used slang in US and Canadaif you check The Greens Dict Of Slang, theres examples of people of other ethnicities using it from 1957. , which explored the drag balls of 1980s New York City another scene populated by people of color. Posts and comments should be substantive, and assertions backed in fact or personal lived experience. Yes, but again, thats not our world, and it never will be. So what slang, exactly, are we talking about here? Rather, she was speaking Jamaican patois, another language developed by slaves in order to communicate with one another. Across the pond, the Harlem Renaissance was kicking off, and with it came the origins of modern drag culture. Even in an academic setting, there should be more room for other languages. I dont care how many Black friends you have or how many Black cawks youve shoved down your throat, its not your place to interject. [19] The prefix was recognized by Google in May 2010,[20][21][22] and Wolfram Alpha in May 2011. We mentioned its not important to say whether AAVE is a dialect vs. a language. Black individuals and LGBT people are marginalized: Their cultures are seen as unprofessional, they frequently live below the poverty line, they are targeted for prosecution. You see the contradiction here, right? You are going to simultaneously fight the association of AAVE with dumbness *and* assume the motivations of the white customer using it while speaking with you as dumbing you down? It is important to validate AAVE and undo the generations of stigma associated with its use. The line between organic language fusion and cultural appropriation is thin and barbed with institutionalized oppression. The word is possibly related to the phrases "hell of a" or "as hell" (the latter of which can be shortened to asl). As you rightly point out, cultural appropriation gets particularly messy especially when applied to something like language trends which are often disseminated in weird and unpredictable ways. Hella made its first appearance in the Oxford English Dictionary in 2002, and the dictionary says the word was first used in a 1987 article in the Toronto Star: The horse went hella whoopin' down the trail, trailing 50 feet or more of the best Berkley Trilene Monofilament line., (Sidenote: That part about the best Berkley Trilene Monofilament line refers to a type of fishing line no relation to Berkeley, Calif.). Cross-dressing Masquerade balls became wildly popular, flowing into the Pansy Craze of the 1920s and -30s. Hell, not even all black people are the same. When white people code switch while speaking to you, its appropriation but when you do it its for acceptance? African American Vernacular English (AAVE) is spoken by many African Americans in the United States. AAVE stands for African American Vernacular English. If they do interact with you its an invasion of your black space. These seemingly typical slang words actually stem from a deep and rich part of African American history, which traces back to early slavery. Ive definitely had more than one conversation with someone engaging in verbal blackface. Katie your pretty cool. From the soil where them rappers be getting their lingo from. E-40 Yiddish is a perfect example of this, with terms like, Dialect fusion can, in fact, be beneficial to marginalized groups. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The father of modern linguistics Noam Chomskys theory of universal grammar points out that all languages that follow linguistic constraints (like those shown above) are natural and acceptable. Consequently, Blacks may be denied jobs, access to higher levels of education, health care, and fair treatment by law enforcement due to this perception. Decades ago, when I was an English major in college, I had a discussion about grammar and syntax with a fellow student. The origin of hella. Understanding the cultural history of language is critical when deciding whether to bae or not to bae. Manage Settings go on your knees and suck his dikc, Ummm if youre not black then dont speak pls. AAVE, or African-American Vernacular English, is the origin point of too many slang terms to name. But how was the word born? AAVE is more than what you hear in hip-hop and rap songs. She studied abroad in Spain, has lived in multiple countries, and now calls Mexico home. The point is, AAVE, when used by African-American people, is often associated with undesirable parts of society like poverty, drugs, violence, and gangs. Kewl kids use this modifier when they have a hella intense opinion about something. (hl-v) Slang. It holds such a unifying cultural force that is far too complex to explain to a non-Black person. My reaction was 'Oh my God, they really do say it.' Years before Twitter taught us what it means to be, Language always reflects the mingling of social groups, and this is not the first time that a marginalized community has seen their dialect merge with the mainstream. You see, Ebonics is far more than your internet slang. aave decentralized lend This space is not for debate. In retaliation, you hit the person with a bat, but wound up also hitting everyone around you. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Sometimes the term grippa is used to mock "NorCal" dialect, with the actual meaning being the opposite of hella. Now that Ive given you a bit of history behind AAVE, lets dive into how offensive it is to have a dialect created by my community used as a relatable trait. It protects data privacy in that all audio/video communication is securely encrypted and transmitted from point-to-point such that even VSee does not have access to any identifiable health information that may be communicated. AAVE stands for African American Vernacular English, and BVE stands for Black Vernacular English (not all Black people who use AAVE identify as African American). ", Many Bay Area residents and Californians believe that hella and its G-rated equivalent "hecka" are Bay Area slang. Yas queen. AAVE stands for African American Vernacular English. Hella has likely existed in California English since at least the mid-1970s. Because weve been shoved into this false box of improper English, we have to switch back and forth between Ebonics and Standard American English frequently. Used as an intensive: He's a helluva great guy. All content 1968-2023 The Commonwealth Times. The racial intersectionality of queer slang has lead to a lot of debate over who can really lay claim to these words. Lol what a joke. [7] With the release of the 2001 No Doubt song "Hella Good," one Virginian transplant in California "fear[ed] the worst: nationwide acceptance of this wretched term. Its really sad to see people being misjudged just because of their ethnicity. Rules: He remembers saying hella with the kids on his Pop Warner football team and at King Estates Junior High School in the late 70s. Jamaicans also speak a different form of AAVE than other black peoples. AAVE (pronounced like ah-vay) has many names, the two most popular of which Black English or Ebonics. Some Jamaicans arent descendants of American slaves, so they dont define themselves as such. But aren't these two really really used slang in US and Canadaif you check The Greens Dict Of Slang, theres examples of people of other ethnicities using it from 1957. Is saying them appropriation because they come from AAVE? Copyright 2022 Lingoda All Rights Reserved. ), The difference in language differs by region as well. Hella was the most frequently cited word, and 78.4 percent of the people who mentioned itin the study said it was Northern California slang. Your the type of person to complain that bathrooms stink. Now, I understand that AAVE has been incorporated into social media lingo, however, many of you find yourselves code switching in an effort to be more relatable to Black people. Thank you for pointing that out. We live in a rapidly diversifying world where every culture impacts one another, which makes it difficult to define what is and isnt considered as appropriation. Even if they got it from AAVE, AAVE isnt the origin. You can say Im hella stoked" or "There were hella people at that party last night, or even, I was doing it for hella days.. adv. Its almost like she thought I wouldnt understand what she was saying if she didnt add that bit of a blaccent into the conversation. And not all AAVE is built the same, just as not all African Americans are not the same. [4] According to Colleen Cotter, "Southern Californians know the term but rarely use it." Also, its recognizably cool. I am articulate. Residents of San Francisco's Bay Area coined the term hella, likely in the 1970s. AAVE stands for African American Vernacular English. humans are braindead. Got a question you want to see the Bay Curious team take on? Language, then, is completely made it up. Because she didn't want people to feel uncomfortable about her just because of how she talks. I mean, really? 'Cool' was adopted by white hipsters and beatniks in the early 50s before spreading to teen slang. Spoken like a true racist, Michael McCarthy. Hella very, really, extremely; many, a lot; in an extraordinary or impressive manner. It protects data privacy in that all audio/video communication is securely encrypted and transmitted from point-to-point such that even VSee does not have access to any identifiable health information that may be communicated. They all hate the sight of us, even the ones who say theyre not like that! "Saturday is off the heezy fosheezy." The origins of AAVE are not clear. According to an NPR article, one of the main reasons people code switch seems to be in an effort to fit in. (hl-v) Slang. AAVE is a valid form of speech formed in African American communities. WebAnswer (1 of 19): Opinion: No, it's not. Nobody seems to find such commentary offensive. If you call Jay-Z a starboy to his face, he might look at you funny. Only love can do that, and unfairly, it falls to us to change hearts by lovingly changing the only thing we can change: ourselves. they dont have to bow down to your rasist ass. It has been a symbol of power for many Black individuals against cultural erasure, but many of them are prompted to code-switch, or toggle between AAVE and standard English. God forbid, someone uses your instead of youre. And if its ur? Language always reflects the mingling of social groups, and this is not the first time that a marginalized community has seen their dialect merge with the mainstream. It also suggests the language is of a lower standard. AAVE (pronounced like ah-vay) has many names, the two most popular of which Black English or Ebonics. But when you throw shadeor celebrate your friends promotion by yelling yas kween, youre inadvertently invoking a rich cultural history one tinged with ostracization and oppression. Also hella originated in Oakland haha, the Bay Area appropriated it before it reached any other part of the country, so technically yes it is AAVE that originated in the black community of Oakland and should not be appropriated. People should be allowed to speak in whatever dialect they know or grew up with. And it has proven to be extremely popular. Alison speaks English, Spanish, and Thai fluently and studies Czech and Turkish. AAVE, or African-American Vernacular English, is the origin point of too many slang terms to name. And then you ask Why everybody mad at me for defending myself? I dont know Christina. It has been highly stigmatized as broken or incorrect English. aave explained seeklogo I agree aave is retarded. Yes, words are just words. AAVE has ties all the way back to slavery and is very deeply rooted in black culture. They have been featured in prestigious publications such as Empire, Gizmodo, and their mother's fridge. Opinion, Opinions, Opinions Get out of here with your derogatory assumptions and your verbal attacks. difference between African American and black, Hollywood Might Be Running Out of Movie Ideas, What To Know About the Upcoming Live Action Spider-Man Show, Virginia Woolfs A Room of Ones Own Is as Relevant Today as it Was in the 1920s. [3], According to lexicographer Allan A. Metcalf, the word is a marker of northern California dialect. With the rise of social media, the lines between subculture and mainstream are starting to blur further. American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. , linguistics professor Rusty Barrett pinpointed the connection between drag and New Yorks Black community: African-American women in particular were symbolic of a strong femininity, and became a way for gay men to claim femininity in a stance against straight ideas of masculinity. Barrett explains that many forms of drag originated with drag queens of color so its no surprise that this is the origin for much of the slang, too. but you can spew your hatred against Muslims (people who are minorities and discriminated against in the us because clearly you need to be reminded) and its ok bc Im upset boo hoo about one dandole person said about my culture but Ill use that excuse against the person defending Muslims. Nobody with a firm grasp on reality can deny the fact that racism has always been working against black people in America and also, it is simultaneously unavoidably true that black people spend an enormous amount of time fixating on and whining about every white behavior. Ventura Albor asked Bay Curious: How is it that hella became synonymous with the Bay? Unfortunately, many non-Black people of color and white people think speaking in a blaccent is necessary for our comprehension. As just one example, drag slang and AAVE words are absorbed into mainstream slang with an almost clockwork-like consistency. According to. Rap music, films and television that discuss the brutal realities of growing up in impoverished Black communities detail the actions committed in the community with AAVE. The Super League: A Scare to the Football World, ISSBA Candidates Favorite Dishes from the Kantina, ISMS Disaster Relief Fund: Follow the Money, AP African American Studies: The Course That Could Have Been, Blockbuster Deal: Kyrie to the Dallas Mavericks, Lebron James: Furthering His Legacy and Taking the Points Record. In 1997, he wrote a song called Hell of Dumb, poking fun at the issue with his band the Mr. T. Experience. The quick evolution, however, that AAVE takes when white people effectively downgrade the language as slang goes to show how ingenuitive African Americans are. The list also had hella. It has been a symbol of power for many Black individuals against cultural erasure, but many of them are prompted to code-switch, or toggle between AAVE and standard English. WebWhat is AAVE? I learned a lot. Hella. WebHella is an American slang term that originated in the San Francisco East Bay Area. In an ideal world, the fusion of social groups and cultures would organically lead to the merging of dialects. [11] "You guys are hella stupid" is one of the phrases spoken by a talking Cartman doll released in 2006. It's expected to jump to $27.8 billion in 2022 from $22.1 billion in 2017. AAVE forged unity and communication among African slaves without interference from white individuals. (Berlin, I wish I knew how to quit you.) Rams beat Spiders, extend winning streak to 6 games, VCU womens basketball beats La Salle in overtime. American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Should you be able to wear whatever you want and not get raped? The city folks might have a slightly different type of accent. 2. The words may mean the same, but they arent necessarily interchangeable. Ppl have to understand were not the same ppl! If white people expect you to speak like them its insulting. AAVE has long been subject to prejudice. Beyond politics and history, perhaps youre familiar with some American slang phrases that come from AAVE vocabulary such as: To show the consistency of AAVE, lets take a look at some examples of real and systematic grammar. You are a type of karen that cannot be expressed in words. Excuse you Mohammad because last time i checked you are not black and you have no right to talk about AAVE so go take your disrespectful, uneducated butt out of this comment section. [1], By 1997, the word had spread to hip hop culture, though it remained a primarily West Coast term. It's expected to jump to $27.8 billion in 2022 from $22.1 billion in 2017. That ebonics nonsense sounds retarded too me and I think it was those black Yankees from up north that came up with it. Weve all heard these terms in our conversations or on our social media feeds before. The only advice I can give is to tread carefully, and when people say youve stepped over that line, listen to them and step back. Is it maybe because you are absolutely dependent upon white people? It is infuriating to be dumbed down to a certain set of misconceptions that you had no hand in creating. No one can research every possible word they're going to say, so instead just always remember there are connections and implications we don't necessarily know about and be open to hearing that something is hurtful or harmful, even if you didn't intend it to be that way. [12] The Sacramento-based band Hella chose its name for the regional association; Zach Hill says "It's everywhere up here. We thought it was funny, and everyone says it all the time. [9], In the South Park episode "Spookyfish," which was the 1998 Halloween special, the character Cartman repeatedly used the term hella to the annoyance of the other characters,[10] which contributed to its currency spreading nationally. Even after slavery was abolished, this pattern continued. It can be used to modify almost any part of speech, as shown below:[18], An online petition begun in 2010 by Austin Sendek of Yreka, California seeks to establish "hella-" as the SI prefix for 1027. AAVE has its own grammatical rules and is an entire system of communicating, the need for which arose during the slave days when African slaves came over not knowing English. I get that there are more important things in the world, but I've never let the "there are starving children dying of malaria in Africa" hand-wave stop me from "wasting too much energy" doing the right thing in the past, so why start now? Emulating AAVE in this context can be seen as cultural appropriation. hella hengst With the rise of social media, corporations have a window into dialects that they otherwise couldnt have accessed. Hella has likely existed in California English since at least the mid-1970s. But English-language historian Michael Adams says hellas grammatical usage doesnt quite align with what the Oxford English Dictionary says. AAVE is a living language that has evolved over centuries, but the ubiquity of the internet has made many aspects of the dialect more accessible and encouraged others to adopt it for their own use. hella < /img > this space is not for debate in Spain, has lived in countries..., flowing into the Pansy Craze of the 1920s and -30s room for other languages language a... Uses your instead of youre and Thai fluently and studies Czech and.! Type of person to complain that bathrooms stink and with it. became wildly popular, flowing into the Craze! 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