and called for global peace.[434][435]. [188], On 12 May, Francis carried out his first canonizations of candidates approved for sainthood during the reign of Benedict XVI: the first Colombian saint, Laura of Saint Catherine of Siena, the second female Mexican saint, Mara Guadalupe Garca Zavala, both of the 20th century, and the 813 15th-century Martyrs of Otranto. [72] When he turned 75 in December 2011, Bergoglio submitted his resignation as archbishop of Buenos Aires to Pope Benedict XVI as required by canon law. Asked how she would address him "Jorge" (his birth name), "Francis," or "Holy Father" a title often given to the pope she replied, "Jorge! Some other Catholic churches, for example in Germany and Austria, published summaries of the responses to the survey, which showed a wide gap between church teaching and the behavior of ordinary Catholics. [469], The official form of address of the pope in English is His Holiness Pope Francis; in Latin, Franciscus, Episcopus Romae. As long as I know it's still my brother calling, then I'll call him Jorge. His parents got married on 12 December He is of Italian descent, the child of Italian immigrants who settled in that country during the early 20th century. [288] These special envoys were the papal almsgiver, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, and Cardinal Michael Czerny, who is head of the papal office that deals with migration, charity, justice and peace. Born on December 17, 1936, in Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 86, popularly known as Pope Francis is the head of the Catholic Church, the bishop of Rome and sovereign of the Vatican City State. WebParents. "[321], In June 2013, Francis suggested that "if a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge? "One of these nephews was in an accident. On 16 April 2022, Ivan Fedorov attended Easter services in the Vatican with the Pope. The motto of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy also plays a central role. Retrieved 16 August 2013. [120] Bergoglio's relations with Kirchner's widow and successor, Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner, have been similarly tense. As the most prominent face of the Catholic faith, he has used his papal platform to denounce once-taboo subjects like homophobic violence (via PBS), proclaim support of civil unions for gay couples (per the National LGBTQ Task Force), and even apologize for the church's role in colonization (reported by the Foreign website). Oscar Adrian Bergoglio with his brother, Pope Francis. [299], Francis has committed the Catholic Church to the worldwide abolition of the death penalty in any circumstance. He led the Argentine Church during the December 2001 riots in Argentina. ", "Fact Check: False: Pope Francis Has a Master's Degree in Chemistry", "TIME's Person of the Year 2013 Pope Francis, The People's Pope", "Argentina's pope a modest man focused on the poor", "Pope Francis is a card-carrying San Lorenzo supporter", "Bergoglio, sobre todo 'pastor', tanguero y simpatizante de San Lorenzo", "Pope Francis Spoke of Being 'Dazzled' by Girl, Possible Change of Celibacy Rule", "En 1958, Bergoglio hizo su noviciado en Chile", "The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church Biographies A", "Ich kenne auch die leeren Momente" Was bedeutet Glaube? Bergoglio. [459] In 2019 Francis held a conference on the World Day of Social Communications highlighting the pros and cons of social media and urging users to use it as a source that liberates rather than enslaves. [376] Bishop Athanasius Schneider claims that Pope Francis clarified to him that he was referring to "the permissive will of God". "Thomas Reese, "Francis, the Jesuits and the Dirty War", "Pope Francis Is Known For Simplicity And Humility", "Pope Francis: A look at the life of the first South American pontiff", "Pope Francis did not denounce me to Argentinian junta, says priest", "Second Declaration of Father Franz Jalics SJ", "Alicia Oliveira: "Garr sabe todo lo que hizo Bergoglio", "Yo pensaba si el padre ste era consciente de lo que se estaba jugando", "Un cura espaol dice que el Papa evit que lo mataran durante la dictadura argentina", "Argentina 'Dirty War' accusations haunt Pope Francis", "Pope Francis: role during Argentina's military era disputed", "Atacan a Bergoglio porque Cristina no quera que fuera Papa", "Pope Francis: what did he really do in Argentina in the 1970s? [80], After Pope John Paul II died on 2 April 2005, Bergoglio attended his funeral and was considered one of the papabile for succession to the papacy. WebOscar Adrian. Oscar Adrian Bergoglio was famous as the brother of Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, The Bishop of Rome, and the Sovereign of the Vatican City. "We were five siblings, and I have 16 nieces and nephews," he said. Pope Francis He lived in a small apartment, rather than in the elegant bishop's residence in the suburb of Olivos. Mario was born on April 2 1908, in Torino - Torino - Italia. De la Ra asked the church to promote a dialogue between the leaders of economic and political sectors to find a solution for the crisis. Bishop Jorge Casaretto considers it unlikely, as De la Ra only made the request in newspaper interviews, but never made a formal request to the church. [453] There are already efforts to name other streets after him, as well as a school where he studied as a child. [268][269], Francis established the World Day of the Poor in his Apostolic Letter, Misericordia et Misera, issued on 20 November 2016 to celebrate the end of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy.[270][271]. Nobody mentioned him as instigator or as anything. He said that the critics cannot deny that "there are mitigating circumstances in which a mortal sin (a sin that would otherwise be mortal) becomes a lighter sin, a venial sin. We are praying for all the suffering. [349] During his papacy, a number of abuse survivors have expressed disappointment in Francis's response to sex abuse in the church,[350] while others have praised him for his actions. [304][305][306], In February 2021, Francis announced back-to-back appointments of women to take positions that were only held by men in the past. [336], Francis has been less supportive of transgender rights. [117] Kirchner celebrated the national day elsewhere the following year and the Mass in the cathedral was suspended. [446], In December 2013, both Time and The Advocate magazines named the Pontiff as their "Person of the Year" in praise and hopes of reforming the Roman Curia while hoping to change the Catholic Church's doctrine on various controversial issues. It is because of fascism that our father emigrated", "Los Bergoglio, la familia ms sorprendida", "3 relatives of pope killed in crash in Argentina Chicago Tribune", "CNS STORY: Pope asks prayers after great nephews, their mother die in car crash", "La sobrina 'artista' del Papa presenta su obra en Madrid", "Jorge Bergoglio, un sacerdote jesuita de carrera", "Biography: who is Jorge Mario Bergoglio? In order from oldest to youngest they are: Oscar Adrian Bergoglio (born in 1938), Marta Regina Bergoglio (born in 1940), Alberto Horacio Bergoglio (born in 1942), and Maria Elena Bergoglio (born in 1948), according to Geni. Pope says it's because he's tone-deaf", "Pope Francis to live in Vatican guesthouse, not papal apartments", "Pope Francis opts for Vatican guesthouse instead of spacious papal apartment", "Five Years Later Changes under Pope Francis are Revealing his Jesuit DNA", "Habemus Papam! [30] Bergoglio is also a fan of the films of Tita Merello,[31] neorealism, and tango dancing, with a fondness for the traditional music of Argentina and Uruguay known as the milonga. [86] According to Tornielli, Bergoglio made this request to prevent the conclave from delaying too much in the election of a pope. [151] The Habemus papam announcement was delivered by the cardinal protodeacon, Jean-Louis Tauran. [31] Bergoglio has said that, as a young seminarian, he had a crush on a girl he met and briefly doubted about continuing the religious career. [264] The pope also nominated four cardinals over the age of 80. [40] Still, as he had no coadjutor archbishop, he stayed in office, waiting for an eventual replacement appointed by the Vatican. Father of Private; Private; Private and Private. [180], On the first Holy Thursday following his election, Francis washed and kissed the feet of ten male and two female juvenile offenders, not all Catholic, aged from 14 to 21, imprisoned at Rome's Casal del Marmo detention facility, telling them the ritual of foot washing is a sign that he is at their service. Fox News Channel. [228], Francis presided over the first canonizations of his pontificate on 12 May 2013 in which he canonized the Martyrs of Otranto. This joint statement is concerned with how different faiths can live peaceably in the same world and areas and later inspired the International Day of Human Fraternity, as acknowledged by the UN Secretary-General, Antnio Guterres, in different occasions. While the timing of the closure may have anticipated a visit by Francis to the U.S. in September 2015, it was noted that the sisters' emphasis is close to that of Francis. "[189], Francis has overseen synods on the family (2014), on youth (2018), and on the church in the Amazon region (2019). sabina. Source: Pinterest About Oscar Family The New York Times reported that the Vatican had formed the opinion in 2012 that the sisters' group was tinged with feminist influences, focused too much on ending social and economic injustice and not enough on stopping abortion, and permitted speakers at its meetings who questioned church doctrine. [102] Since Francis became pope, Gonzalo Mosca[103] and Jos Caravias[104] have related to journalists accounts of how Bergoglio helped them flee the Argentine dictatorship. He urged peace during his time in the religiously diverse city, known as the "Jerusalem of Europe". Mario Giuseppe Mario (Jos Francisco) BERGOGLIO, born 2 April 1908 - Portacomaro (Asti), deceased 24 September 1961 - Buenos Aires aged 53 years old. [383] Nevertheless, Francis remained hostile to right-wing populism. He called not for "a new set of general rules, canonical in nature and applicable to all cases," but "a responsible personal and pastoral discernment of particular cases." [169], On 16 March 2013, Francis asked all those in senior positions of the Roman Curia to provisionally continue in office. [265] Three of his appointees were only priests upon their nomination, therefore, two (Gambetti and Feroci) received their episcopal consecration, while one (Cantalamessa) was granted a papal dispensation from it. Of that total number at the time of their elevation, 13 were under the age of eighty and four were over the age of eighty. Upon Quarracino's death on 28 February 1998, Bergoglio became metropolitan archbishop of Buenos Aires. The texts of the encyclicals Laudato si' and Evangelii gaudium were used. WebSon of Mario Giuseppe Bergoglio and Regina Mara Sivori Gogna Husband of Mara Teresa Pita Father of Private; Private and Private Brother of Pope Francis; Marta Regina Bergoglio Sivori; Alberto Horacio Bergoglio Sivori and Private . "[226] On 11 February, Pope Francis met with two priests from the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) and reassured them that Traditionis Custodes did not affect their community and gave them permission, in writing, to use all the liturgical books of 1962. "[402] The pope, along with the Government of Canada, was a behind-the-scenes broker of the agreement, taking the role following President Obama's request during his visit to the pope in March 2014. Francis stated that uneasy dialogue was better than no dialogue at all, and emphasized in improving strained ties with the Chinese government. [91] The priests were tortured,[94] but were found alive five months later, drugged and semi-naked. [425][426], In March 2021, Pope Francis held a historic meeting with Iraq's top Shi'ite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, and visited the birthplace of the Prophet Abraham, Ur. [276] The pontiff reacted with displeasure on 13 March 2020, at the news that the Vicar General had closed all churches in the Diocese of Rome. WebBorn in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bergoglio worked for a time as a bouncer and a janitor as a young man before training to be a chemist and working as a technician in a food science laboratory. He is of Italian descent, the child of Italian immigrants who settled in that country during the early 20th century. "[108] Ricardo Lorenzetti, President of the Argentine Supreme Court, also has said that Bergoglio is "completely innocent" of the accusations. EuroNews in a video interview posted to YouTube. His parents got married on 12 December [206] There is uncertainty how far reforms can succeed. [189] Francis approved the equipollent canonization of Angela of Foligno the following 9 October and then the Jesuit Peter Faber the following 17 December. She told the Clarn newspaper: "There is no information and Justice couldn't prove it. Husband of Private. His motu proprios include Ai nostri tempi and De concordia inter codices. WebOscar Adrian Bergoglio-Tragedy Of Pope Francis Brother. He became the Archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998 and was created a cardinal in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. Geni requires JavaScript! In 2019 Francis's apostolic constitution Episcopalis communio allowed that the final document of a synod may become magisterial teaching simply with papal approval. WebOscar Adrian Bergoglio 1938-/2014; Marta Regina Bergoglio 1940-2007; Albert Horatio Bergoglio 1942-2010; Mara Elena Bergoglio 1948 Notes Notes individuelles. [354], In November 2021, Francis thanked journalists for their work uncovering child sexual abuse scandals in the church, thanking journalists also for "helping us not to sweep it under the carpet, and for the voice you have given to the abuse victims. [415], In January 2017, Francis demanded the resignation of Matthew Festing, the 79th Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. [208] On 24 November 2013, Francis published his first major letter as pope, the apostolic exhortation Evangelii gaudium,[209] which he described as the programmatic of his papacy. [262] Most of the new cardinals come from the peripheries of the church and developing countries. [158] In his homily Francis focused on the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, the liturgical day on which the Mass was celebrated. [195], In a column he wrote for the Vatican's semi-official newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, the then-Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, American cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, who has a long-standing reputation as one of the church's most vocal conservative hard-liners, said that Francis opposed both abortion and gay marriage. [465] In an interview with Reuters in July 2022, Francis denied rumours about his resignation, saying "[it] never entered my mind. [211] On 8 April 2016, Francis published his second apostolic exhortation, Amoris laetitia,[212] remarking on love within the family. [381], Francis has regularly been accused by conservatives of having a "soft spot" for leftist populist movements. [256] The consistory was a rare occasion in which Francis and his predecessor, Benedict XVI, appeared together in public. [468], In March 2023, Pope Francis was hospitalized in Rome with a respiratory infection. [43], He spent several months at the Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology in Frankfurt, Germany, considering possible dissertation topics. He established two new Secretariats (top-level departments) in the Roman Curia: the Secretariat for the Economy, and the Secretariat for Communications. Records: 0. That way they are legally covered. [109] Historian Uki Goi pointed that, during early 1976, the military junta still had a good image among society, and that the scale of the political repression was not known until much later; Bergoglio would have had little reason to suspect that the detention of Yorio and Jalics could end up in their deaths. "[283] Francis called Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, stating his "sorrow" as the Vatican worked to find "room for negotiation. WebOscar Adrian. [441][442] In the news media, both faithful and non-believers often refer to a "honeymoon" phase in which the pope has changed the tone on Catholic doctrines and supposedly initiated ecclesiastical reform in the Vatican. His father was Mario Giuseppe Francesco Bergoglio, and his mother, Regina Maria Sivori. Therefore, according to Cardinal Mller, divorced and civilly remarried can have access to the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist only if they take on the duty of living in complete continence. Bergoglio often rose hours before his classmates to serve Divine Liturgy for Czmil. That is not the gospel." Zayed Award for Human Fraternity in October 2020 for significant contributions to the service of humanity from around the world. But she noted that he was close with all, even as he had other growing ambitions, per Catholic Philly. [81] He participated as a cardinal elector in the 2005 papal conclave that elected Pope Benedict XVI. [263] This action took the number of cardinal electors appointed by Francis to the College of Cardinals to about 70 out of nearly 130.[262]. [337][338], Francis supported the use of force to stop Islamic militants from attacking religious minorities in Iraq. [136] The next day, he visited Cardinal Jorge Mara Meja in the hospital and chatted with patients and staff. Holy Father is among the other honorifics used for popes. [346] Some have explained the level of disagreement as due to his going beyond theoretical principles to pastoral discernment. [85] La Stampa reported that Bergoglio was in close contention with Ratzinger during the election, until he made an emotional plea that the cardinals should not vote for him. [407] Protests against his visit resulted in an alleged arson attempt at the Dormition Abbey. "Haley Cohen, "Slum Priest: Pope Francis' Early Year", "U.N. should encourage redistribution of wealth, pope says", "John Allen, "Former aide says Francis may close Vatican Bank", "Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Profession: Servant of the Servants of God", "Acusado de tener vnculos con la dictadura; la derecha lo defiende", "Pope to hold major Holy Week service in youth jail", "Elige Sus Nuevas Autoridades La Conferencia Episcopal", "El cardenal Bergoglio fue reelegido frente a la Conferencia Episcopal", "Vatican defends Pope Francis' actions during Argentina's 'Dirty War', "Bergoglio presenta su renuncia como arzobispo de Buenos Aires, aunque seguir en el cargo", "X Ordinary General Assembly (30 September 27 October 2001)", "Synodus Episcoporum Bulletin 30 September 27 October 2001", "Profile: New pope, Jesuit Bergoglio, was runner-up in 2005 conclave", "What I would have said at the Consistory", "Saint Therese of Lisieux "Saint Therese of Lisieux: A Gateway" Blog Pope Francis and Saint Thrse of Lisieux: "To depend solely on the tenderness of God", "Argentine Cardinal Named in Kidnap Lawsuit", "Cardinal breaks conclave vow of secrecy", "Article based on diary says German cardinal became pope with 84 votes", "Ecco come and davvero il Conclave del 2005", "One of Pope Francis' allegiances might tell us something about the church's future", "Francisco: 'El verdadero poder es el servicio', "Sainthood effort for 5 slain recalls Argentine 'dirty war'. Oscar Adrian Bergoglio with his brother, Pope Francis. The president took more than an hour before congratulating the new pope, and only did so in a passing reference within a routine speech. This consistory was noteworthy for the fact that, with the pope continuing the trend of elevating cardinals from a diverse range of areas, no cardinals elevated are of the Roman Curia, and one was a mere auxiliary bishop. [296][297], On 2 October 2022, Francis directly addressed Putin and Zelenskyy, making an impassioned appeal to Putin to halt the "spiral of violence and death", saying that a nuclear escalation would bring "uncontrollable global consequences". [156] He also wore the same iron pectoral cross that he had worn as archbishop of Buenos Aires, rather than the gold one worn by his predecessors. What we have to create is a civil union law. [272] He encouraged priests to visit patients and health workers;[273] urged the faithful not to forget the poor during the time of crisis;[274] offered prayers for people with the virus in China;[275] and invoked the Blessed Virgin Mary under her title Salus Populi Romani, as the Diocese of Rome observed a period of prayer and fasting in recognition of the victims. The administrations of Nstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner considered him to be a political rival. [462], In August 2021, rumors of a possible resignation arose due to health issues,[463] but he dismissed those rumors in early September 2021, saying that he is "living a normal life. [79] He was known to be devoted to St. Thrse of Lisieux, and he enclosed a small picture of her in the letters he wrote, calling her "a great missionary saint". Jim Yardley & Laurie Goodstein (18 June 2015). The Argentine-born religious leader made world history in 2013 when he became the first Latin American pope, the first Jesuit, and the first non-European in many years (according to The Washington Post, it's been close to 1,300 years since the last one) to be elected to the role. When Francis was archbishop of Buenos Aires, he authored a text entitled "Dialogues Between John Paul II and Fidel Castro". His mother Regina Maria was a housewife while his father Mario Jose was a railway worker. [135] Also in March, Pablo Buera, the mayor of La Plata, Argentina, announced that the city had renamed a section of a street leading up to a local cathedral Papa Francisco. The first eleven were under the age of eighty, and therefore, were eligible to vote in a future papal conclave while the last three were over the age of eighty, and thus, ineligible to vote in a papal conclave. bergoglio jorge pope argentina francis emerges argentine cardinal elected america south he been mario dyer william mary I am simply against reducing complexity to the distinction between good guys and bad guys, without reasoning about roots and interests, which are very complex.[294], On 24 August 2022, Pope Francis described the killing of Darya Dugina as a case of innocents paying for the Russo-Ukrainian War. His Birthplace is Buenos Aires, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. His parents are Mario Jos Bergoglio (19081959) and Regina Mara Svori (19111981). Regina was born on November 28 1911, in Buenos Aires - Capital Federal - Argentina. An alleged arson attempt at the Dormition Abbey peace during his time in the elegant bishop 's in... 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Francis supported the use of force to stop Islamic militants from attacking religious minorities Iraq! Called for global peace. [ 434 ] [ 338 ], in Buenos Aires, Argentina [ ]...
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